China-EU Relations in a Trumpian World

Sda Rome
SDA Bocconi @ Rome
ECFR-IEP@BU Working Lunch

The arrival of Donald Trump and the protectionist shift of the United States are forcing the European Union and China to redefine their relations. Could the American administration’s aggressive approach to trade encourage a rapprochement between the EU and China? Or does it make it even more necessary for Europe to pursue strategic autonomy and a risk-reduction strategy to mitigate dependence on unreliable trading partners?

From the automotive sector to the regulation of digital platforms and opportunities in artificial intelligence, the EU has never been more compelled to reassess its relationship with Beijing. The working lunch takes place just days before the elections in Germany, the country that has experienced the opportunities and limits of a very close relationship with China more than any other. What will change after the vote for Berlin and the EU?

Janka Oertel, director of the Asia programme and senior policy fellow, European Council on Foreign Relations
Giorgio Presidente, Research Fellow, Institute for European Policymaking @ Bocconi University

Stefano Feltri, Communication Advisor, Institute for European Policymaking @ Bocconi University


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