Rules That Empower: Challenges and Opportunities for EU Digital Regulation in the Time of Elon Musk
This report outlines actionable policy recommendations to stimulate innovation in the digital market by enhancing the clarity, effectiveness, and coherence of EU regulations. A competitive and innovative digital ecosystem within the EU hinges on the effective implementation of regulations that encourages the growth of a competitive and innovative digital ecosystem by prioritizing investment in local startups, improving access to funding, and supporting the scaling up of EU digital businesses. Tailored and straightforward regulations, coupled with robust implementation, are essential to achieving these objectives. Strengthening awareness of digital rules among SMEs and other business partners of digital platforms is equally crucial to enhancing compliance and fostering a deeper understanding of the new regulatory landscape. The recommendations target three critical areas. First, they aim to enhance market contestability by curbing the dominance of large technological companies and fostering innovation through improvements to the Digital Markets Act (DMA). Second, they address anti-competitive practices in mergers and acquisitions (M&A) by strengthening oversight and integrating innovation-focused considerations. Third, they promote the adoption of decentralized technologies, such as distributed ledger technologies (DLTs), to create a more diversified and resilient technological ecosystem. Overlapping regulations and jurisdictions currently increase compliance costs and uncertainty, undermining competition and innovation. To mitigate these challenges, the report advocates for a unified and streamlined European regulatory framework that clarifies and consolidates fragmented regulations, ensures consistent enforcement, and adapts existing rules to the evolving dynamics of digital markets. Through these measures, the EU can position itself as a global leader in digital regulation while fostering a dynamic and competitive digital economy. Although each chapter needs to be read in its entirety to appreciate the motivations and nuances of the policy recommendations offered, to facilitate access and to encourage readership, we present here our three main policy proposals. These three proposals will be declined and detailed through the chapters, based on their specific content.