The past, present and future of European welfare states

Room N01 - Groundfloor Velodromo - Piazza Sraffa 13
Over the past decade, European welfare states have undergone dramatic transformations, a process further accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath.
This event will take stock of these changes and explore future directions for social policy and inclusion in Europe. Despite widespread pessimism among publics and political elites, the 2010s demonstrated that the future of work and welfare is in our hands: it is entirely possible to shape this future to provide inclusive social security, achieve high employment, and combat poverty and inequality.
Catherine de Vries, Generali Endowed Chair in European Policies - Shaping Leadership in Europe and IEP@BU President.
Anton Hemerijck, Professor of Political Science and Sociology at EUI
Manos Matsaganis, Professor of Public Finance at the Polytechnic University of Milan
authors of the book "Who is afraid of the welfare state now?"
László Andor, Secretary General of the Foundation for European Progressive Studies
Anne-Marie Jeannet, Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Milan
Zach Parolin, Associate Professor of Sociology at Bocconi
30-minute open discussion, moderated by Catherine de Vries.
Jointly organized with Blest
Download here the program
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