Letizia Mencarini

Resident Fellow
Letizia Mencarini

Letizia Mencarini is Full Professor of Demography at Bocconi University, at Department of Social and Political Science, Fellow at the DONDENA Center for Research on Social Dynamics and Public Policy, and at the Center for Demography and Ecology at University of Wisconsin-Madison.

She is an expert of Population Europe, among the Leading Women Scientists of AcademiaNet, and Associate Editor of Neodemos.info.

She is the Representative of Bocconi University in the Consortium Board of GGP (Gender and Generation Programme), she is the National Focal point for Italian Generations and Gender Survey and local coordinator of Italian 2025 GGS-II.

She is member of Scientific Commitee of Gorrieri Scientific Foundation; member of the Advisory Board of the PNRR-FOSSR - “Fostering Open Science in Social Science”, CNR; member of CDA of Bocconi pension fund.

She is an expert for the EUROFOUND for the survey EQLS – European Quality of Life Survey.

Her research interests focus on family demography (life–course analysis, low fertility, transition to adulthood, family formation and disruption) and its links with well-being, time use, gender diversity and migration in a policy and welfare state perspective.

She is author of numerous papers published in international scientific journals and of books in Italian about “women, job market and fertility” and “demographic trap” in Italy for the general public.