Alessandro Minichilli

Alessandro Minichilli is a Full Professor at the Management & Technology Department of Bocconi University. At SDA Bocconi he is Associate Dean for Faculty, Director of the Corporate Governance Lab, and co-Director of the eSG Lab - excellence in Sustainability and Governance for SMEs. Since 2021 he is also Faculty Deputy of the Strategy, Enterpreneurship and Governance Knowledge Group. Formerly, he has been Director of Research - Claudio Dematté Corporate and Financial Institutions Division.
His collaboration with SDA began in 2004. Since then, he has taught several courses on Corporate Governance and Family Business both in Master programs (MBA, GEMBA), and in executive courses. In this regard, he is the scientific coordinator of the SDA Bocconi - Elite (Borsa Italiana) program, as well as the director of Board induction initiatives for listed and unlisted companies.
His areas of expertise concern the design of corporate governance systems, especially during the transition and managerialization processes of family-owned companies. Currently, his research and dissemination activities are focused on the characteristics and operating mechanisms of the corporate governance structures of large listed companies, as well as on the succession processes in family businesses, with emphasis on the selection and training of new generations. In this respect, he serves as educator and advisor of family firms and business families, as well as an independent expert in the board review process of several listed companies. He serves as independent director in both listed and private companies.