Enrico Basile

Enrico Basile is Assistant Professor of Criminal Law and White-Collar Crime. He graduated cum laude from the Università di Messina School of Law, he was visiting scholar at the Louisiana State University (USA) and at the University of the West of England (UK), undertaking also study stays at the IALS of the University of London (UK) and the London School of Economics (UK). He obtained a Ph.D. in Law&Business from the Università Bocconi, where he was a research fellow in Criminal Law too.He practices the legal profession as criminal counsel (barrister before the Supreme Courts) focusing on financial crime, bribery, market abuse, bankruptcy and tax offences. He is currently carrying out research on human rights and business misconduct, looking for the most suitable (criminal) policy options to deal with this matter. He is also focusing on market abuse at a supranational (i.e. EU) and domestic level.