9:00 am - Welcoming Remarks
Francesco Billari Rector, Bocconi University
Catherine De Vries President, IEP@BU; Dean for International Affairs, Bocconi University
9:30 am - Challenges for an enlarged EU
The global context is changing rapidly and dramatically. Demographic shifts and evolving economic patterns are gradually diminishing the EU's influence on the global context: is this a reversible situation? How to ignite a turnaround? Relaunching the Single Market can be an option, allowing EU companies to overcome a size deficit, especially in when it comes to strategic, global industries. Enlarging the EU is another option for gaining critical mass on the global geopolitical scene, but an EU of 30+ ever more diverse members might become paralyzed by internal contradictions. What are the key steps to re-launch the Single Market? What internal reforms are necessary to make the EU enlargement work?
Opening Statement
Enrico Letta former Italian Prime Minister
Thomas Gomart Director IFRI
Vladyslav Rashkovan Alternative Executive Director, IMF
Nathalie Tocci Director, IAI
Sylvie Goulard Vice President, IEP@BU
11:30 am- What Future for the Green Deal?
Climate action has been a key priority of this European legislature. But now the Green Deal with its many ramifications faces increasing opposition. How should the EU deal with the backlash? Ignore, water down or delay targets, used different instruments, explain better?
Opening Statement
Ambroise Fayolle Vice President, European Investment Bank
Italo Colantone IEP@BU Fellow
Sirpa Pietikanien former Member of the European Parliament
Antoine Sire Advisor for Impact Economy and Social Inclusion, BNP Paribas
Valentina Bosetti Member of the IEP@BU Management Council
2:30 pm - How to Improve the EU Governance to Serve More Effectively the General Community Interest
The governance of the EU is widely perceived as complicated and opaque which contributes to low interest in EU affairs and EP elections. Given the more hostile environment in a crisis ridden world the EU urgently needs a stronger, simpler governance. Among the options are a streamlining of the functioning of the European Council and a direct election of the President of the Commission. How would these change the interplay between Member States and the EU institutions? How could they be implemented? Would a directly elected President make the Commission even more political? Could it remain the ‘Guardian of the treaty’?
Opening Statement
Mario Monti IEP@BU Honorary President
Daniel Gros Director, IEP@BU
Simon Hix Stein Rokkan Chair in Comparative Politics, EUI
Herman Van Rompuy former President of the European Council
Irene Tinagli Member of the European Parliament
Eleanor Spaventa Member of the IEP@BU Management Council
4:30 pm - The Future of EU Integration - A Debate with Bocconi Students
room AS01
Carlo Altomonte Member of the IEP@BU Management Council