Rules That Empower: Challenges and Opportunities for EU Digital Regulation in the Time of Elon Musk

eu regulatioj

Digital platforms' market and political power and the rise of the AI industry present unprecedented policy challenges for EU regulators.

The Institute for European Policymaking presents a brand new report drafted under the supervision of professor Francesco Decarolis: Rules That Empower: Turning EU Digital Regulation into a Catalyst for Innovation 

The EU needs to manage its digital regulation to promote innovation and prevent abuse in the digital sector. This report aims to investigate the efficacy of the current EU digital regulation, to identify areas of improvement, and to offer actionable policy proposals.

The report contains a fact-based analysis of the current EU regulation and policy proposals grounded in state-of-the-art scientific literature to favor innovation.

The report is the product of a one-year work by a multidisciplinary team composed of researchers in Economics, Management, and Law. The authors of the report are: Giovanni De Gregorio , Francesco Decarolis, Chiara Fumagalli, Bruno Jullien, Yassine Lefouili, Mariateresa Maggiolino, Michele Polo, Oreste Pollicino, and Claudio Tebaldi.

IEP@BU is organizing a preliminary presentation of the report on the occasion of the second anniversary of the approval of the Digital Markets Act (DMA), one of the major pieces of EU digital regulation that the report discusses in detail.

This event is directed primarily to IEP@Bu Media Fellows, a selected group of journalists and commentators who shape the conversation on EU policies at the EU level. However, the event is open also to scholars and the general audience.

Francesco Decarolis, the report coordinator and an IEP@BU fellow, will present the report's main conclusions with a focus on the DMA. A Q&A session will follow. Some of the authors of the report will attend the event and participate in the conversation.


IEP@BU does not express opinions of its own. The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors. Any errors or omissions are the responsibility of the authors.

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