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Past Events

The Revised Stability and Growth Pact: A First Assessment

The Council of the European Union agreed on a provisional set of new fiscal rules in its meeting on December 20, 2023, that introduces significant changes to the Commission’s proposals. The fiscal reform marks progress but is, at the same time, a lost opportunity.

With Marcello Messori (IEP@BU fellow) and Lucrezia Reichlin (LSE).

Alesina Seminar Room
A meeting with Romain Svartzman, a IEP@BU new Research Fellow

Everyone is invited to attend this brainstorming seminar to talk about Romain's research and exchange views on the topics at the core of its work, from ecological transition, to critical metals, and their connection to the financial and market sector. 

Fragmentation in the European Government Bond Market: The Risk of Mis-Pricing

The TPI is de facto a commitment of the ECB to intervene in markets to curb yields that are not justified by the fundamentals or countries’ fiscal profligacy. However, the TPI lacks of precision in determining which yields are justified and which are not. 

With Maria Cannata (Mts Chairwoman), Carlo Favero (IEP@BU Fellow), and Stefano Feltri (IEP@BU communication advisor)

Hybrid Event - Velodromo, room N04
Climate Finance in a World of Fundamental Uncertainty

An event co-organized by BAFFI, IEP@BU and SUERF to explore the tight relation between investors’ expectations, climate policy and regulatory uncertainty and risk assessment and discuss challenges and opportunities for financial regulation in contexts of high inflation, tight fiscal budgets and sovereign debt distress, growing climate-related events and by other key financial reforms, such as the European banking reform.

L’allargamento e il futuro dell’Unione Europea

Il secondo appuntamento di una serie di tre working lunch realizzati congiuntamente da ECFR Roma, SDA Bocconi e l’Institute for European Policymaking @ Bocconi University.

La politica economica del governo Meloni

Un webinar in cui discutere dei contenuti del Policy Brief: La politica di bilancio del governo Meloni. Ne parliamo con Lorenzo Bini Smaghi e Silvia Merler, modera Stefano Feltri


COP28, What is at Stake: Climate Finance, Loss and Damage

On the eve of the COP28 summit, the Institute for European Policymaking at Bocconi University organizes a digital event in the wEUbinar series with three leading experts in climate finance and environmental policies. Valentina Bosetti, Barbara Buchner, Elisa Calliari, and Stefano Feltri


PNRR: la grande occasione o la grande abbuffata?

Nel secondo evento di una serie dedicata al Pnrr discutiamo con Chiara Albanese, Roberto Perotti e Alessandro Rivera di come è stato impostato il PNRR e di quali risultati può raggiungere davvero. 

Evento ibrido @IAI Rome
Le nuove sfide della sicurezza economica: Rischi ed opportunità dell’Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) per l’Unione Europea

Un incontro in partnership con IAI per discutere rischi e opportunità dell’IRA per l’Unione Europea sulla base del working paper IEP@BU “The EU and the US Inflation Reduction Act, No Rose Without Thorns”. 

in Brussels
The Impact of IRA on the EU Industrial Policy: Challenging Conventional Wisdom

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) is a vast and complex piece of legislation that has been both over- and under-rated. Its fiscal cost and domestic impacts are likely to be larger than anticipated. But its impact on the EU is very likely to be small and, on balance, positive – thus not validating the supposed need for a European response.