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Past Events

Villa Vigoni, Menaggio (CO)
Prospects for stability, growth and cohesion in the Eurozone

Seminar organized by the Franco-German Institute (dfi) in collaboration with the IEP@BU, featuring the presence of researchers from French, German and Italian universities and think tanks.


Il Comma 22 del debito europeo

Da Next Generation Eu alla nuova stagione dei tassi di interesse elevati. Qual è il destino del debito comune europeo? E quali sono le conseguenze per l'Italia?


Palazzo Clerici - via Clerici 5, Milano
Protezionisti d'Occidente: Quale politica industriale europea?

L'evento trae spunto dalla pubblicazione del paper "The EU and the US Inflation Reduction Act, No Rose Without Thorns" curato da Daniel Gros, del Report ISPI "Industrial Policy's Comeback - The Next Geopolitical Clash" curato da Alessandro Gili e Davide Tentori, e dello studio EPRS "Accrescere il valore aggiunto europeo in un'epoca di sfide globali".

via Roentgen 1, room 4-e4-sr01
Crisis, Risk, and European Governance

This workshop aims to bring together a diverse group of scholars working on crisis, risk, and European governance. It is motivated by questions about how crises have shaped institutions and their policies and how European institutions, in turn, imagine, anticipate, manage, and sometimes even exacerbate a wide range of challenges, from growth and climate to security and conflict.

via roentgen 1, room 5-c4-sr03
EU industrial policy, misallocation and productivity

An open discussion about a paper by Carlo Altomonte and Giorgio Presidente that exploits a standard framework to map resource misallocation in order to assess the extent to which national (vs. supra-national) industrial policy tools (price subsidies and state aids) have led to suboptimal levels of productivity in the EU, with the ensuing policy implications for the design of the new Green Deal industrial plan.