
Upcoming IEP@BU Events

Università Bocconi - Room AS01, Via Roentgen 1, floor 2
First double workshop in geoeconomics, geopolitics and preventing conflict studies

A workshop organized by BAFFI, IEP and IGIER jointly with CEPR

Geopolitica delle elezioni Europee

A pochi giorni dalle elezioni europee dell’8 e 9 giugno, in questo nuovo appuntamento dei dibattiti di geopolitica promossi dall’Institute for European policymaking at Bocconi e dalla rivista Il Grand Continent si discuterà delle ripercussioni globali di un voto cruciale. 

Con Marco Bassini, Andrea Colli, Maurizio Ferrera, Mara Morini, Beda Romano, Stefano Feltri.

Alesina Seminar Room (5-e4-sr04), Roentgen building, Floor 5
Certification of Business Practices and Algorithms as a Complementary Approach to Platform Regulation

Digital platforms have transformed markets and created considerable value, mostly for their owners. As the Big Tech firms have leveraged their platforms to capture dominant market positions, concerns have been raised about their unfair business practices, abuse of market power, exploitation of stakeholders, and harm to society. Policy makers have attempted to apply antitrust law and promote regulation to constrain the dominant platforms, yet the effectiveness of this approach has been limited. We discuss the types of harm inflicted on consumers, suppliers, competitors, and society at large, and analyze the recent regulation of digital platforms in the US and the EU, pointing to its limitations. We proceed by introducing the notion of inspection and certification of business practices and algorithms as a complementary approach that relies on market incentives to encourage competition and align the mission and practices of digital platforms with the interests of stakeholders. We explain the advantages of this approach vis-à-vis regulation. Finally, we outline a plan for implementing this system, while coping with corresponding challenges, and offer practical recommendations for policy makers.

@ Rome
The European Commission In The Making: Lessons Learned Over The Last 5 Years
The EU in the chips war
US elections and the future of EU strategy autonomy
Geopolitics of Climate

Past Events

Sala Europa - Villa Schifanoia, Via Boccaccio 121 - Florence
From Birth to Maturity: Ten Years of Banking Union

The Florence School of Banking and Finance Annual Conference, co-organized this year with the Institute for European Policymaking at Bocconi University, will examine the Banking Union’s “mature” phase against the background of the early state and goals.

The War and The Vote: How Italian Residents Are Approaching the EP Elections

How has European voters’ attitude, and more specifically Italian voters’, evolved in the last few months? What impact will the war have in Ukraine on the June 2024 European Parliament elections?

With Catherine De Vries, Isabell Hoffmann, and Stefano Feltri.

Why are Populist Parties so Successful in the EU?

The June 2024 European Elections will see once again a competition between mainstream parties and populist, or nativist movements. Laurenz Guenther finds that, while policymaking represents the economic attitudes of citizens relatively well, there exist large representation gaps on cultural issues in nearly all European countries.

With Laurenz Guenther (IEP@BU) and Stefano Feltri (IEP@BU).

Ukraine's Reconstruction: Policy Options for Building an Effective Financial Architecture

The tragedy of the war also gives Ukraine an opportunity to build back better, to modernize the country along many dimensions, and to be ready to withstand possible further Russian aggression and become an important element of the NATO security system. A CEPR report makes a series of proposals on reforms and policies necessary to achieve these goals.

@ Rome
Europe's De-Risking Plans: Between Ambitions and Reality

Le strategie economiche europee danno grande rilevanza al de-risking dalla Cina, ovvero alla riduzione delle dipendenze nei settori strategici, rifiutando però una più ampia separazione delle economie, data l’importanza dei rapporti economici con Pechino, soprattutto per alcuni paesi. Con Agathe Demarais (ECFR), Daniel Gros (IEP@BU), and Stefano Feltri (IEP@BU)

European Parliament Elections: What the Result Might Mean for Europe's Future

As Europe prepares for the 2024 elections to the European Parliament in June, this panel brings together European thought leaders to discuss the implications of the elections for the EU's future.
With: Catherine De Vries, Sylvie Goulard, Isabell Hoffmann, Eleanor Spaventa.

Aula Manfredini, Via Sarfatti 25, first floor
Goodbye Globalization? A conversation with Elisabeth Braw

The end of the Cold War marked the beginning of a phase of borderless hyperglobalization. Recently, a profound shift has begun to take place. "Slowbalization" and "De-globalization" are neologisms well describing the present situation. Supply chains are disrupted, Russia has been expelled from the global economy after its invasion of Ukraine, China  and the US. are confronting each other in the logic of a war fought with the "grammar of commerce" . Given these pressures, what will the future of our world economy look like?

Geopolitical Strategic Perspectives of the Global Minimum Tax

In 2022-23, the Model Rules of Pillar Two have been approved by the OECD and at EU level through a Directive, introducing a 15% global minimum tax (GMT). Pillar Two is now fully operative and binding in the EU. Who bears the costs? Who gets the benefits? A first assessment, with Reuven Avi-Yonah, Ana Cinta González Cabral, and Carlo Garbarino.

Bruxelles - Representation of the Free State of Bavaria to the EU Rue Wiertz 77, 1040 Brussels
EU Innovation Policy: How to Escape the Middle Technology Trap?

The launch event of the report on EU Innovation Policy, a joint project IEP@BU-CESifo-TSE.

Lobbying the EU: How Corporations Shape EU Policies in an Electoral Year

Do firms gain from lobbying at the European level? And, if they gain something, what do they exactly get? Which role do European companies and their lobbyists play in European elections? 

With Alberto Alemanno (HEC), Catherine De Vries (IEP@BU), Ernesto Di Giovanni (Utopia), Nilanjana (Nel) Dutt (IEP@BU).