Social Inclusion in the EU

Social Inclusion

Rights, Welfare, and Anti-poverty Policies 

It is a core mission of the EU to help less developed European countries and regions, as well as the most vulnerable individuals, to catch up and reduce the economic, social, and territorial disparities that still exist within the Union." 

Read our publications

Social Inclusion
2024 - n° 114 26/07/2024

As Europe begins to face the start of its own relationship with fentanyl, it is paramount that policymakers learn from the lessons of American and Australia in crafting their response. Policymakers need to bear in mind that drug users are consumers who will respond to the changing economic environment wrought by their efforts.

Zachary Porreca
Social Inclusion
2024 - n° 93 05/06/2024

"I live in Milan, I vote for Europe." This is the name of the initiative through which the Municipality of Milan, the European Parliament, and the Institute for European Policymaking at Bocconi University worked together to chat with Milanese residents about Europe.

Pietro Galeone
Social Inclusion
2024 - n° 92 05/06/2024

C’è una sorta di meccanismo “Comma 22” che alle elezioni europee si declina così: i giovani sentono la politica come distante dai loro problemi e per questo votano meno, ma proprio perché votano meno la politica dà loro meno peso. Come si risolve?

Pietro Galeone
Social Inclusion
2023 - n° 57 28/12/2023

On December 200,2023, The European Parliament and the Council agreed on five key proposals of the New Pact on Migration and Asylum proposed by the EU Commission in September 2020 and aimed at creating a uniform system of regulations and policies around migration and asylum for the EU. The main aim of the new pact was to replace the Dublin system which relied heavily on first-country-of-entry criteria creating a burden for frontline member states.

Angelo Martelli
Social Inclusion
2023 - n° 56 22/12/2023

Without a serious change in the regulations, or a substantial investment in the bureaucratic capacity and the infrastructure for migrants, Dublin is bound to be more real on paper than in practice and many ports of entry are likely to remain in a constant state of emergency.

Pietro Galeone