European Policies

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How decisions at the EU level shape everybody’s life 

 From migration policies to health standards, decisions at the EU level affect each Member State and all citizens.

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sfondo updates
2025 - n° 172 26/02/2025

Trump’s ambitions to extend U.S. influence over neighboring countries align with Karl Haushofer’s notorious geopolitical doctrine. A new global order is emerging, and Europe may not be part of it. A commentary by Andrea Colli

Andrea Colli
sfondo updates
2025 - n° 157 21/01/2025

The geopolitical references in the inaugural address of the new US President are striking because they align closely with the concept of “classic geopolitics”—a vision of politics and international relations as an aggressive, zero-sum game. A commentary by Andrea Colli

Andrea Colli
sfondo updates
2024 - n° 150 13/12/2024

In a nutshell, we see that 80 years of prime partnership have created a solid base of mutual appreciation and similar sensitivities. Europeans and Americans still see in the other their most valuable ally, NATO is highly regarded and cooperation trumps competition. However, eight years of American hyper-polarisation at home and mixed messaging abroad have taken their toll. In 2024, 63 percent of Europeans agree that it is time for Europe to go its own way. 

Isabell Hoffman, Catherine De Vries
sfondo updates
2024 - n° 77 17/04/2024

It is now over two years since Russia launched its brutal full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Ever since those early days, a broad network of CEPR economists has been working intensively with colleagues in Ukraine and across the international research and policy communities to explore how to tackle the big economic challenges of the war and how to plan for the country’s post-war reconstruction. 

Elena Carletti
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2023 - n° 28 25/01/2024

La Nota di Aggiornamento del DEF (Nadef) e la bozza della Legge di Bilancio del Governo Meloni indicano obiettivi e programmi di politica economica sulla cui credibilità gravano varie ipoteche. Le difficili condizioni dell’economia internazionale e l’intrinseca debolezza della finanza pubblica italiana possono mettere in questione gli impegni dichiarati dal governo, con implicazioni per la stabilità finanziaria del paese.

Carlo Bastasin, Lorenzo Bini Smaghi, Sergio De Nardis, Marcello Messori, Stefano Mecossi.