Why the Trump-Musk Challenge Presents an Opportunity for EU Digital Regulation The EU can demonstrate its commitment to digital sovereignty and the rule of law by taking decisive action. By doing so, Brussels would signal that neither tech giants nor foreign governments can override European democratic values. A commentary by Francesco Decarolis, and Guido Roveri Why Germany has Shifted its Approach to Europe From Germany's debt choices to Italy’s stance on rearmament, Ambassador Luigi Mattiolo analyses how the EU is evolving in the age of Trump. An interview by Stefano Feltri The EU Must Respond Smartly to Trump's Tariff Threats A firm but measured response, aligned with rules and European interests, is better than excessive conciliation with the US administration. Here's why. A commentary by Lorenzo Bini Smaghi Policy Brief - How To Defend EUkraine: What are the Military Options European countries should plan for a Peace Enforcement mission and prepare for either Non-Combat Security Assistance and Support or for Mobile Rapid Reaction Force in order to be prepared for a “what if conflict resumes”. A Policy Brief by Andrea Gilli, Mauro Gilli, and Niccolò Petrelli Be Careful What You Wish For: Germany’s New Fiscal Course Sends Ripples Through Europe Berlin’s pledge to do “whatever it takes” on military and infrastructure spending raises government bond yields across the continent. A commentary by Ignazio Angeloni Policy Brief n.35 - Certification of Business Practices and Algorithms of Digital Platforms Voluntary certification is a novel approach that can restrict the harmful practices of some dominant platforms and motivate and reward emerging platforms that align their practices with the public interest. A Policy Brief by Dovev Lavie, Oreste Pollicino, and Tommaso Valletti Why Markets Do Not React to Europe's Defense Spending Surge Financial discipline, growth potential, and deeper EU integration reassure investors amid rising defense budgets. A commentary by Lorenzo Bini Smaghi Policy Brief - A European Security Fund for Ukraine A coalition of most EU Member States plus the UK and Norway should create a European Security Fund to provide Ukraine with a reliable source of financing, large enough to substitute the US. A Policy Brief by Daniel Gros Europe’s Defence Awakening: A High-Stakes Balancing Act The normalisation of war in political discourse is forcing a renegotiation of the European welfare state, a delicate balancing act that will determine whether defence budgets remain sustainable in the long run. A commentary by Stephanie Hofmann & Catherine E. De Vries Trumponomics Faces Market Test: Implications for Europe The heightened risk aversion triggered by Trump's policies has not spread to Europe, where optimism prevails regarding more cohesive and responsive policymaking. A commentary by Lorenzo Bini Smaghi Can EU Digital Competitiveness Survive Global Pressure? Should China and the US – where major market players are based – manage to sideline Europe in its regulatory isolation, the EU’s influence may wane. A commentary by Marco Bassini Pan-Regions and Trump’s Imperial Geography Trump’s ambitions to extend U.S. influence over neighboring countries align with Karl Haushofer’s notorious geopolitical doctrine. A new global order is emerging, and Europe may not be part of it. A commentary by Andrea Colli Policy Brief - The IMF and Europe under Trump II The Trump II Administration is likely to throw a wrench in coordination across European states in nearly every forum except one: the IMF and multilateral financial institutions. A Policy Brief by Catherine De Vries, and Sienna Nordquist Policy Brief - The Technological Paradigm, Stupid An enormous gap exists in AI innovation between the two sides of the Atlantic. Is there any hope for the EU to compete with AI technology developed by US-based firms? A Policy Brief by Giorgio Presidente The Real Target of Trump’s Crypto Strategy is the Federal Reserve The US President has halted plans for a central bank digital currency: a mere show of strength to undermine the Fed’s independence. A commentary by Ignazio Angeloni Foes’ with Benefits? The shared opposition of environmentalists and farmers to the EU-Mercosur trade deal reflects concerns about economic liberalization at the expense of ecological and social equity. A commentary by Pietro Galeone, Joseph Christopher Proctor, Romain Svartzman Why the Trump-Musk Challenge Presents an Opportunity for EU Digital Regulation The EU can demonstrate its commitment to digital sovereignty and the rule of law by taking decisive action. By doing so, Brussels would signal that neither tech giants nor foreign governments can override European democratic values. A commentary by Francesco Decarolis, and Guido Roveri Why Germany has Shifted its Approach to Europe From Germany's debt choices to Italy’s stance on rearmament, Ambassador Luigi Mattiolo analyses how the EU is evolving in the age of Trump. An interview by Stefano Feltri Policy Brief - How To Defend EUkraine: What are the Military Options European countries should plan for a Peace Enforcement mission and prepare for either Non-Combat Security Assistance and Support or for Mobile Rapid Reaction Force in order to be prepared for a “what if conflict resumes”. A Policy Brief by Andrea Gilli, Mauro Gilli, and Niccolò Petrelli IEP@BU Events Room 1.C3.01, via Roentgen 1 02/04/2025, 17:30 - 02/04/2025, 19:30 The Remaking Trade Project Aula Manfredini, Via Sarfatti 25 27/03/2025, 16:30 - 27/03/2025, 19:00 Minimum wage and the role of social partners in light of the EU Directive Directive 2022/2041 aims to establish a minimum wage framework across the EU. The transposition deadline passed in November 2024, but few countries have fully implemented it. The seminar will assess its impact, focusing on social partners' role in setting wage standards. Read more... 12/03/2025, 15:30 - 12/03/2025, 16:30 The Acceleration of History: How Europe Can Survive in the New World The crises confronting Europe are evolving at such a rapid pace that politics struggles to respond effectively. These include the war in Ukraine, escalating tensions in the Middle East, and the Taiwan Strait. A digital event with Thomas Gomart (IFRI), Monica Perosino (La Stampa), and Stefano Feltri (IEP@BU) SDA Bocconi @ Rome 04/03/2025, 12:00 - 04/03/2025, 14:00 China-EU Relations in a Trumpian World The arrival of Donald Trump and the protectionist shift of the United States are forcing the European Union and China to redefine their relations. Could the American administration’s aggressive approach to trade encourage a rapprochement between the EU and China? Or does it make it even more necessary for Europe to pursue strategic autonomy and a risk-reduction strategy to mitigate dependence on unreliable trading partners? IEP@BU Report - Rules That Empower A new IEP@BU report analyzes the wave of new tech regulations in Europe and their effects to suggest a series of refinements needed to make them effective in promoting an EU-based tech sector. The report is coordinated by Francesco Decarolis IEP@BU Fellows Image Claudio Tebaldi Fellow Claudio Tebaldi has been an Associate Professor at Bocconi University since 2011. He has held the National Qualification to Full Professorship in Quan... Image Stefano Micossi Non-resident Fellow Stefano Micossi is Advisor on strategies and policies, Assonime, a business association and think tank in Rome and Visiting Fellow at European Univers... Image Grace Ballor Fellow Grace Ballor studies the historical political economy of contemporary Europe, the role of business in European integration, and the evolution of globa... Image Eleanor Spaventa Member of the Management Council Eleanor Spaventa is Professor of European Union Law at Bocconi Law School, Milan (Italy). She previously worked at the law schools of Durham, Birmingh... Image Vincenzo Galasso Fellow Vincenzo Galasso is a Professor of Economics at Bocconi University, Head of the Department of Social and Political Science, and Director of APE - Anal... Image Thomas Le Barbanchon Fellow Thomas Le Barbanchon is associate professor of economics at Bocconi. He received a PhD in Economics from Ecole Polytechnique in 2012. Before 2012, he ... Image Pier Carlo Padoan Non-Resident Fellow Pier Carlo Padoan has been Chairman of UniCredit since April 2021.He was Minister of Economy and Finance from February 2014 to May 2018 and Member of ... Image Alessandro Rivera Non-Resident Fellow Alessandro Rivera, from 2018 to 2023, was Director General of the Department of the Treasury. In this capacity, he represented Italy in working groups... Image Alexandros Kentikelenis Fellow Alexandros Kentikelenis is associate professor of political economy and sociology at Bocconi’s Department of Social and Political Sciences. His resear... Image Massimo Bordignon Non-resident Fellow Massimo Bordignon is currently full professor of Public Economics at the Catholic University of Milan. He worked as a consultant for several national ... Image Francesco Trebbi Non-Resident Fellow Francesco Trebbi is the Bernard T. Rocca Jr. Chair and Professor at the University of California, Berkeley Haas School of Business. He is also a Resea... Image Alessandro Minichilli Fellow Alessandro Minichilli is a Full Professor at the Management & Technology Department of Bocconi University. At SDA Bocconi he is Associat... Image Irene Agnolucci Fellow Irene's main research interests lie in EU State aid policy, gathering together law, economics and EU policies. Specifically, she aims to address the i... Image Edoardo Croci Fellow Professor of Practice at Bocconi University, he is Director of the Sustainable Urban Regeneration Lab and Senior Research Fellow at GREEN (Centre for ... Image Amanda Cercas Curry Fellow Amanda is a researcher in Natural Language Processing (NLP) but her interests span interdisciplinary research, human-computer interaction and AI ethic... Image Andrea Rurale Fellow Andrea Rurale is a Lecturer at the Department of Marketing at Università Bocconi. At SDA Bocconi, he is the Director of the Master in Arts Management... Image Maurizio Ferrera Non-resident Fellow Maurizio Ferrera is Professor of Political Science at the Department of Social and Political Sciences of the University of Milano, as well as founder ... Image Annita Florou Fellow Annita Florou is Professor of Accounting at Bocconi University. Prior to this, she held academic positions at London Business School, Queen Mary Unive... Image Marcello Messori Non-Resident Fellow Marcello Messori is a part-time professor at the Schuman Centre, European University Institute (EUI), and a member of the EMU-Lab at the same Centre. ... Image Jan Bakker Fellow Jan Bakker is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics at Bocconi University and a Research Associate at the Centre for Economic Performa... Image Claudio Tebaldi Fellow Claudio Tebaldi has been an Associate Professor at Bocconi University since 2011. He has held the National Qualification to Full Professorship in Quan... Image Stefano Micossi Non-resident Fellow Stefano Micossi is Advisor on strategies and policies, Assonime, a business association and think tank in Rome and Visiting Fellow at European Univers... Image Grace Ballor Fellow Grace Ballor studies the historical political economy of contemporary Europe, the role of business in European integration, and the evolution of globa... Image Eleanor Spaventa Member of the Management Council Eleanor Spaventa is Professor of European Union Law at Bocconi Law School, Milan (Italy). She previously worked at the law schools of Durham, Birmingh... prev next WATCH OUR LATEST EVENT Remote video URL The Acceleration of History: How Europe Can Survive in the New World IEP@BU - EU Defense Industry and Policy Policy Brief: Defense Expenditure in EU Countries Much more work would be needed to quantify the potential savings from joint defense initiatives at the EU level. The available estimates, ranging from 20 to 100 billion, are not at all reliable. A Policy Brief by Carlo Cottarelli, and Lelouca Virgadamo Does the EU and its Member States try Harder than We Think? Cooperation between EU member states on issues of joint production and procurement is arguably less limited than IEP@BU Policy Brief by Cottarelli and Virgadamo suggests. A commentary by Stephanie C. Hofmann Why Need to Have a Clear Strategy When We Discuss Defense Expenditure Identifying the appropriate level of spending is difficult and there is not really any science about this. This is because different considerations play a role, including military strategy to political psychology. Andrea Gilli, and Mauro Gilli react to the recent IEP@BU Policy Brief Defense Expenditure in EU Countries The New Commission Needs a Strategy to Trump-Proof European Security If Trump is elected in November 2024, the security outlook of Europe could deteriorate very fast. It is therefore essential that the Commission and the forthcoming Defence Commissioner begin the policy planning and design well in advance. A commentary by Francesco Nicoli The Real Problem With the European Defense Industry The EU aerospace and defense companies invest in R&D as much as their US counterparts, with the primary difference being the size of the market, Daniel Gros, Philipp-Leo Mengel, Giorgio Presidente, and Jean Tirole argues Enrico Letta: Financing Europe's Leap Towards Defence Integration The European Union can only adequately tackle the intricate challenges of modernising its defence capabilities by exploring diverse financing mechanisms and integrating both public and private resources, Enrico Letta argues in his Much More than a Market report Time for a Real European Defense? Survey data suggest that recently announced EU Commission plans for a European Defence Strategy might lack ambition: western Europeans are unlikely to be enthused by half-backed compromises, Francesco Nicoli writes in a commentary Policy Brief - Before Vegetius: Critical Questions for European Defense n a more dangerous and unstable world, Europe must thus prepare for war to maintain peace and its security: as Vegetius noted, si vis pacem para bellum. However, increasing budgets is not enough if the EU does not address key strategic questions. A new website shows the roll-call votes in European Parliament by MEP, MEP, group, and country, going back to 2004. You can also download the data for free. By Simon Hix and Abdul Noury IEP@BU Newsletter Subscribe to receive IEP@BU updates, and participate in policy discussions Subscribe now IEP@BU is on Substack Subscribe to the IEP@BU Substack We are hiring! We have open opportunities for researchers to collaborate with IEP@BU fellows. 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