
Eu governance
2025 - n° 161

The German economy is weak not because of a lack of investment, but because of the sectors it goes into. German industry has specialised in mid-tech sectors, like automotive, that are now under increasing competitive pressure from China. A commentary by Daniel Gros

Daniel Gros
Financial Markets
2025 - n° 158

The empirical evidence does not confirm the hypothesis that the public debt tends to be more stable in countries where the (real) interest rate is systematically lower than (real) growth. On the contrary. A policy Brief by Lorenzo Bini Smaghi

Lorenzo Bini Smaghi
sfondo updates
2025 - n° 157

The geopolitical references in the inaugural address of the new US President are striking because they align closely with the concept of “classic geopolitics”—a vision of politics and international relations as an aggressive, zero-sum game. A commentary by Andrea Colli

Andrea Colli
Financial Markets
2025 - n° 155

Both in the U.S. and Europe, the excess liquidity created over past decades has been only partially reabsorbed. It remains ready to fuel inflation if a matchstick is struck. A commentary by Franco Bruni

Franco Bruni
sfondo square
2024 - n° 114

As Europe begins to face the start of its own relationship with fentanyl, it is paramount that policymakers learn from the lessons of American and Australia in crafting their response. Policymakers need to bear in mind that drug users are consumers who will respond to the changing economic environment wrought by their efforts.

Zachary Porreca
sfondo updates
2024 - n° 150

In a nutshell, we see that 80 years of prime partnership have created a solid base of mutual appreciation and similar sensitivities. Europeans and Americans still see in the other their most valuable ally, NATO is highly regarded and cooperation trumps competition. However, eight years of American hyper-polarisation at home and mixed messaging abroad have taken their toll. In 2024, 63 percent of Europeans agree that it is time for Europe to go its own way. 

Isabell Hoffman, Catherine De Vries
Eu governance
2024 - n° 149

Reduced economic insecurity generates not only a direct increase in demand for populist commitments but also a change in culture in the direction of lower trust and prevalent exclusionary rhetoric, which in turn are further indirect channels through which populist movements thrive

Massimo Morelli
war Ukraine elections
2024 - n° 144

The discussion explored practical ideas around the process of establishing a broad and deep partnership between the United Kingdom and the European Union in the areas of foreign, security, and defence policy.

Eleanor Spaventa
Eu governance
2024 - n° 143

Lack of integration of capital markets is a major source of weakness and declining competitiveness of the European economy. While efforts to complete harmonization of capital market legislation in this domain should retain highest priority in the new Commission’s work programme, there is room to advance integration by exploiting the STS regulation introduced by the EU in 2017 as part of its broader efforts to implement the CMU.

Stefano Micossi, Andrea Stringhetti
Eu governance
2024 - n° 135

“The Commission would like to be taking the lead on defense policy, but defense remains the domain of Member States”. Thomas Gomart is one of the most influential experts on foreign relations and geopolitics at the EU level: he has been director of the Ifri, Institute Francais de Relationes Internationales, since 2015. An expert in Russian geopolitics and the history of international relations, he has recently published the book L'accélération de l'histoire. Les noeuds géostratégiques d'un monde hors de contrôle ( Éditions Tallandier, 2024).

Stefano Feltri, Thomas Gomart
2024 - n° 129

Building on a previous analysis of the trends of convergence and divergence between peripheral and core EA-12 countries after the euro area sovereign debt crisis (Bordignon et al., 2023), this work investigates the long-term evolution of such differences in economic, institutional, and political outcomes, testing whether a pattern of convergence was finally resumed and comparing the effects of this crisis with those induced by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Massimo Bordignon
2024 - n° 126
A credible low-cost path to decarbonize energy systems and transport, which together account for 60% of emissions, now exists. Unfortunately, political obstacles to the rapid adoption of these clean-energy solutions have emerged, owing to NIMBYism in advanced economies and tensions between the West and China.
Daniel Gros
Eu governance
2024 - n° 123

While the focus of the new Commission will be crystallizing over the months and years to come, this short analysis of the mission letters for the future Commissioners suggests that the recent intervention of Mario Draghi on Europe’s competitiveness has been agenda-setting for the policy priorities as defined by Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. 

Catherine De Vries
2024 - n° 119

The economic transformation required to reach global net zero goals relies on the mining and transformation of certain minerals and metals for the production of low-carbon technologies. Increasing global demand for these critical materials, combined with their uneven geographical distribution, raise potential supply issues that pose economic security and transition risks for the European Union. This report sets out the nature of the challenge, the policy responses and ways forward for the bloc.

Capucine Nobletz, Romain Svartzman and Simon Dikau
Eu governance
2024 - n° 118

The September 2024 state elections in Germany mark a low point in public support for the governing left-wing coalition and a high point for the populist right. Often overlooked, the elections might also mark the fading of the German socialist party Die Linke into political irrelevance. Its demise teaches us valuable lessons for modern European politics

Laurenz Guenther
2024 - n° 112

A popular thesis in policy circles is that there is an “investment gap” that Europe needs to fill to face the great challenges of our times, such as the digital and green transitions. However, the notion of the “investment gap” used by policymakers is often vague and therefore it risks legitimate a wasteful allocation of public resources.

Daniel Gros, Philip-Leo Mengel, Giorgio Presidente
Financial Markets
2024 - n° 111

After revisiting the pros and cons, this paper concludes that, all in all, the rationale for introducing an ECB-sponsored digital euro for citizens, retailers, and producers, is not solidly established. Today’s highly dynamic, innovative, and efficient digital payment ecosystem does not require such an instrument, which would unavoidably duplicate existing applications and probably struggle to match private innovation.

Ignazio Angeloni
Eu governance
2024 - n° 110

If Trump is elected in November 2024, the security outlook of Europe could deteriorate very fast as Russia may attempt to seek the opportunity of taking NATO off balance. It is therefore essential that the Commission and the forthcoming Defence Commissioner begin the policy planning and design well in advance and preferably as soon as they take office, as to move past preliminary negotiations and have blueprints ready for approval should the situation require it.

Francesco Nicoli
Eu governance
2024 - n° 107

There are lessons to be learned by comparing the most recent elections in France and the UK. The French electoral system is characterized by two-turn constituency elections where several short-listed candidates qualify for a second round should no-one reach more than 50% of the votes in the first round. The British system, conversely, assigns a given constituency seat to whoever wins the plurality in a given constituency, regardless of whether or not the candidate reaches 50%.

Francesco Nicoli
war Ukraine elections
2024 - n° 104

The latest European Defence Industrial Strategy outlines a commitment to support investments by Member States and the European defence industry in the development and market introduction of cutting-edge defence technologies and capabilities. 

Enrico Letta
Financial Markets
2024 - n° 102

The European Sovereign Bond market gyrations erupted in the wake of President Emmanuel Macron’s call for a snap parliamentary vote after his party’s defeat to Marine Le Pen’s National Rally in the European elections have sparked a debate on the opportunity of an activation of the Transmission Protection Mechanism (TPI). 

Carlo Favero, Massimo Amato, Dev Srivastava
Eu governance
2024 - n° 97

It is therefore possible that even the election of the Commission President will not change the overall picture, with the real game taking place whenever the European Parliament is called to vote on the fundamental choices that Europe will face in the coming years, from managing the digital and green transitions to fundamental decisions on the common defense and security policies.

Carlo Altomonte
Social Inclusion
2024 - n° 93

"I live in Milan, I vote for Europe." This is the name of the initiative through which the Municipality of Milan, the European Parliament, and the Institute for European Policymaking at Bocconi University worked together to chat with Milanese residents about Europe.

Pietro Galeone
Social Inclusion
2024 - n° 92

C’è una sorta di meccanismo “Comma 22” che alle elezioni europee si declina così: i giovani sentono la politica come distante dai loro problemi e per questo votano meno, ma proprio perché votano meno la politica dà loro meno peso. Come si risolve?

Pietro Galeone
Eu governance
2024 - n° 89

In our first forecast for the EP 2024 elections based on our model, in January 2024, we predicted a “sharp right turn”.  In our latest forecast, and our final one before the election, we are still forecasting that the next EP will be considerably more right-leaning than the current one, and that the two groups to the right of the EPP will be considerably larger than they currently are.

Simon Hix
2024 - n° 87

ASML has a global monopoly on EUV, the most advanced lithography technology that is on the Wassenaar Arrangement list of dual-use technologies and requires an export license. The Dutch government approved the export license of EUV-technology to China in 2018. The US government was not pleased and tried to press its ally to consider the security issues. 

Sanne van der Lugt
2024 - n° 80

European automakers currently face increasing pressures. While the region’s manufacturers long dominated global sales revenues, several competitors from Asia have recently moved into the top ten.  But European companies have faced similar difficulties before, and the responses of the region’s automakers and policymakers to previous challenges offer insight for the present, especially on the issues of global competition and energy transition.  

Grace Ballor
sfondo updates
2024 - n° 77

It is now over two years since Russia launched its brutal full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Ever since those early days, a broad network of CEPR economists has been working intensively with colleagues in Ukraine and across the international research and policy communities to explore how to tackle the big economic challenges of the war and how to plan for the country’s post-war reconstruction. 

Elena Carletti
2024 - n° 76

It is often assumed that Germany’s economic relations with China are so important that Berlin tends to take a softer stance on China-EU relations than its EU partners – or at least that this used to be the case until most recently. In particular, it is feared that German industry might be more vulnerable to disruptions of the supply of Chinese inputs than other European countries. However, this impression of a greater dependency of German industry and its supply chains from China is not borne out by the data.

Samina Sultan
2024 - n° 75

Through its missions and governance, Horizon Europe does not meet the innovation challenge and anchors our industry in the mid-tech range. This report argues that current European efforts, while laudable, are insufficient, in both quantity and quality. Important reforms are required to enable Europe to compete in the value-creating space.

Daniel Gros, Giorgio Presidente, Jean Tirole, Clemens Fuest, Philippe-Leo P. Mengel
green transition
2024 - n° 74

The concept of green backlash has recently become more salient in the news, in part due to the widespread farmers’ protests held in a number of European countries. However, there is so far not much robust empirical evidence of an electoral penalty against governments that implement ambitious climate policies.

Silvia Pianta
Financial Markets
2024 - n° 72

This paper shows that the current operational framework of monetary policy relying on excess liquidity, together with a high level of interest rates, produces a remarkable redistribution of interest payments across the national central banks of the Eurosystem, due to the rules governing the pooling of monetary income among them. This mechanism implies significant fiscal transfers across the member countries of the euro area. Our estimates for 2023 show that their size can be in the order of several billion euro. 

Angelo Baglioni
Eu governance
2024 - n° 71

The polls for the forthcoming European Parliament elections indicate a further surge of the radical and/or sovereigntist right. This result might destabilize again traditional partisan and inter-institutional equilibria and weaken the support to EU authority at a time when serious challenges and difficult choices loom large. Does the EU risk plunging back into an “existential crisis”, as it happened a decade ago in the aftermath of the 2014 elections?  

Maurizio Ferrera
green transition
2024 - n° 70

This policy brief highlights that while the green subsidies provided by the Inflation Reduction Act of the United States are homogeneous across beneficiaries, the subsidies associated with the Green Deal industrial plan are highly fragmented across European member States. We quantify the extent of resource misallocation due to this subsidy dispersion by using the model of Hsieh and Klenow (2009), calibrated on the EU electricity-producing industry. We compare both the actual allocation of subsidies, and a policy of subsidies coordinated at the EU level, to a hypothetical frictionless benchmark with no subsidies. We find that moving to coordinated subsidies can increase productivity by more than 30% with respect to the uncoordinated scenario, substantially reduce the productivity gap with the United States, and generate gains worth up to 6% of the EU value-added in the industries considered. Policy recommendations include greater EU-level coordination to minimize misallocation and enhance productivity. 

Carlo Altomonte, Giorgio Presidente
war Ukraine elections
2024 - n° 69

The EU-sponsored Eurobarometer polls routinely estimate support for EU defence integration between 70% and 80% of respondents, while a recent poll by the independent Bertelsmann Stiftung polling branch, Euopinions, returned a 87% support level. However, the devil is in the details: what is meant by “European defence policy” can wildly differ between people, and these simple questions present no trade-offs. 

Francesco Nicoli
Eu governance
2024 - n° 68

The pattern of macroeconomic catch-up seen in the EU’s enlargement process is a remarkably positive story - if largely unsung and still incomplete. The catch-up achieved so far constitutes a key backdrop to today’s debate about further enlargement.  Without the rapid growth of the most recently acceding states it would be impossible for the EU to contemplate taking further poor members.

Michael Emerson, Daniel Gros
Financial Markets
2024 - n° 67

This paper, prepared on a request by the European Parliament, contributes to a reflection aimed at identifying ways to revive and upgrade the banking union, so as to enable it to cope with the major transformational challenges facing Europe as we move forward in the 21st century: Green, Digital, Geo-Strategic and Structural. 

Ignazio Angeloni
Financial Markets
2024 - n° 64

The euro area has been subject to a series of very different shocks, some of which, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, were unprecedented. While the ECB’s reaction to these deflationary shocks was vigorous, it persisted too long with its expansionary measures and failed to see their inflationary impact when energy prices shot up. The future is likely to bring new challenges, but climate change might not be the most important threat to price and financial stability.

This document was provided by the Economic Governance and EMU Scrutiny Unit at the request of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) ahead of the Monetary Dialogue with the ECB President on 15 February 2024.

Daniel Gros, farzaneh shamsfakhr
Financial Markets
2024 - n° 63

Even though European banks do have solid Basel ratios, their profitability is insufficient to make them attractive for investors. This suggests that – from the market’s perspective - the system may not be as sound and stable as regulators believe

Lorenzo Bini Smaghi

IEP@BU Contributors